Das große Stephen Hawking Lesebuch, Leben und Werk (The Big Stephen Hawking Reader)
Hannelore Hammerle reviews in 2004 Das große Stephen Hawking Lesebuch, Leben und Werk (The Big Stephen Hawking Reader).
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Hannelore Hammerle reviews in 2004 Das große Stephen Hawking Lesebuch, Leben und Werk (The Big Stephen Hawking Reader).
Ian Aitchison reviews in 2004 Interactive Quantum Mechanics.
Alain Méric de Bellefon reviews in 2004 Chercheurs entre reve et réalité (Scientists at the rim of reality).
Philip Bryant reviews in 2004 Measurement and Control of Charged Particle Beams.
Arnon Dar reviews in 2004 Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursters.
Luis Alvarez-Gaume reviews in 2004 The Millennium Problems.
Cecilia Jarlskog reviews in 2004 Marietta Blau - Sterne der Zertrümmerung.
François Vannucci reviews in 2004 Les tactiques de Chronos.
Günther Plass looks back to the very beginnings of the Proton Synchrotron in the 1950s and its subsequent career as the centrepiece of CERN's accelerator complex.
This is the first book to describe the theory of hadronic atoms and the unique laboratory they provide for studying hadronic interactions at threshold.