Heavy ions return in style
Stable beams were declared on 27 September with an energy of 5.36 TeV per nucleon pair (compared to 5.02 TeV during Run 2) and a collision rate increased by a factor of 10 since the last heavy-ion...
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Stable beams were declared on 27 September with an energy of 5.36 TeV per nucleon pair (compared to 5.02 TeV during Run 2) and a collision rate increased by a factor of 10 since the last heavy-ion...
A key outcome of the LCWS2023 workshop was a statement to the P5 committee supporting the timely realisation of a Higgs factory based on a linear collider.
The highly positive atmosphere of FCC Week 2023 projected a strong sense of momentum within the community.
The fully in-person event attracted 1660 participants from 37 countries, illustrating the need for real-life interactions in the global accelerator landscape after COVID-19.
LHC Run 3 operations were interrupted following an electrical glitch in mid-July caused by a fallen tree.
Frank Gerigk, leader of CERN’s radio-frequency group, assesses progress on the SRF R&D roadmap and the exacting fabrication and performance requirements already coming into view.
Renaming the Future Circular Collider as the CERN International Particle Observatory would better reflect the role of colliders as general-purpose tools to do good science, argues Tevong You.
Giorgio Brianti, a pillar of CERN throughout his 40-year career, played a major role in the success of CERN and in particular the LEP project.
EuPRAXIA project aims to provide a practical path to new accelerator facilities and ultimately to higher beam energies.
Stable beams are back at the LHC, heralding the start of a relatively short but intense physics run that is scheduled to end on 30 October.