Early-career researchers tell the Courier what they think is the key strategic issue for the future of high-energy physics.

In January 1962, CERN was for the first time moving from machine construction to scientific research with the machines. Director-General Victor Weisskopf took up the pen in the first CERN Courier after a brief hiatus. “This institution is remarkable in two ways,” he wrote. “It is a place where the most fantastic experiments are carried out. It is a place where international co-operation actually exists.”
A new generation of early-career researchers (ECRs) shares his convictions. Now, as then, they do much of the heavy lifting that builds the future of the field. Now, as then, they need resilience and vision. As Weisskopf wrote in these pages, the everyday work of high-energy physics (HEP) can hide its real importance – its romantic glory, as the renowned theorist put it. “All our work is for an idealistic aim, for pure science without commercial or any other interests. Our effort is a symbol of what science really means.”
As CERN turns 70, the Courier now hands the pen to the field’s next generation of leaders. All are new post-docs. Each has already made a tangible contribution and earned recognition from their colleagues. All, in short, are among the most recent winners of the four big LHC collaborations’ thesis prizes. Each was offered carte blanche to write about a subject of their choosing, which they believe will be strategically crucial to the future of the field. Almost all responded. These are their viewpoints.
Invest in accelerator innovation

I come from Dallas, Texas, so the Superconducting Super Collider should have been in my backyard as I was growing up. By the late 1990s, its 87 km ring could have delivered 20 TeV per proton beam. The Future Circular Collider could deliver 50 TeV per proton beam in a 91 km ring by the 2070s. I’d be retired before first collisions. Clearly, we need an intermediate-term project to keep expertise in our community. Among the options proposed so far, I’m most excited by linear electron–positron colliders, as they would offer sufficient energy to study the Higgs self-coupling via di-Higgs production. This could be decisive in understanding electroweak symmetry breaking and unveiling possible Higgs portals.
A paradigm shift for accelerators might achieve our physics goals without a collider’s cost scaling with its energy. A strong investment in collider R&D could therefore offer hope for my generation of scientists to push back the energy frontier. Muon colliders avoid synchrotron radiation. Plasma wakefields offer a 100-fold increase in electric field gradient. Though both represent enormous challenges, psychologists have noted an “end of history” phenomenon, whereby as humans we appreciate how much we have changed in the past, but underestimate how much we will change in the future. Reflecting on the past physics breakthroughs galvanises me to optimism: unlocking the next chapter of physics has always been within the reach of technological innovation. CERN has been a mecca for accelerator applications in the last 70 years. I’d argue that a strong increase in support for novel collider R&D is the best way to carry this legacy forwards.
Nicole Hartman is a post-doc at the Technical University of Munich and Origins Data Science Lab. She was awarded a PhD by Stanford University for her thesis “A search for non-resonant HH → 4b at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector – or – 2b, and then another 2b… now that’s the thesis question”.
Reward technical work with career opportunities

This job is a passion and a privilege, and ECRs devote nights and weekends to our research. But this energy should be handled in a more productive way. In particular, technical work on hardware and software is not valued and rewarded as it should be. ECRs who focus on technical aspects are often forced to divide their focus with theoretical work and data analysis, or suffer reduced opportunities to pursue an academic career. Is this correct? Why shouldn’t technical and scientific work be valued in the same way?
I am very hopeful for the future. In recent years, I have seen improvements in this direction, with many supervisors increasingly pushing their students towards technical work. I expect senior leadership to make organisational adjustments to reward and value these two aspects of research in exactly the same way. This cultural shift would greatly benefit our physics community by more efficiently transforming the enthusiasm and hard work of ECRs into skilled contributions to the field that are sustained over the decades.
Alessandro Scarabotto is a postdoctoral researcher at Technische Universität Dortmund. He was awarded a PhD by Sorbonne Université, Paris, for his thesis “Search for rare four-body charm decays with electrons in the final state and long track reconstruction for the LHCb trigger”.
A revolving door to industry

Big companies’ energy usage is currently skyrocketing to fuel their artificial intelligence (AI) systems. There is a clear business adaptation of my research on fast, energy-saving AI triggers, but I feel completely unable to make this happen. Why, as a field, are we unable to transfer our research to industry in an effective way?
While there are obvious milestones for taking data to publication, there is no equivalent for starting a business or getting our research into major industry players. Our collaborations are incubators for ideas and people. They should implement dedicated strategies to help ECRs obtain the funding, professional connections and business skills they need to get their ideas into the wider world. We should be presenting at industry conferences – both to offer solutions to industry and to obtain them for our own research – and industry sessions within our own conferences could bring links to every part of our field.
Most importantly, the field should encourage a revolving door between academia and industry to optimise the transfer of knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, when physicists leave for industry, slow, single-track physics career progressions and our focus on publication count rather than skills make a return unrealistic. There also needs to be a way of attracting talent from industry into physics without the requirement of a PhD so that experienced people can start or return to research in high-profile positions suitable for their level of work and life experience.
Christopher Brown is a CERN fellow working on next-generation triggers. He was awarded a PhD by Imperial College London for his thesis “Fast machine learning in the CMS Level-1 trigger for the High-Luminosity LHC”.
Collaboration, retention and support

I feel a strong sense of agency regarding the future of our field. The upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will provide a wealth of data beyond what the LHC has offered, and we should be extremely excited about the increased discovery potential. Looking further ahead, I share the vision of a future Higgs factory as the next logical step for the field. The proposed Future Circular Collider is currently the most feasible option. However, the high cost and evolving geopolitical landscape are causes for concern. One of the greatest challenges we face is retaining talent and expertise. In the US, it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to find permanent positions after completing postdocs, leading to a loss of valuable technical and operational expertise. On a positive note, our field has made significant strides in providing opportunities for students from underrepresented nationalities and socioeconomic backgrounds – I am a beneficiary of these efforts. Still, I believe we should intensify our focus on supporting individuals as they transition through different career stages to ensure a vibrant and diverse future workforce.
Prajita Bhattarai is a research associate at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US. She was awarded her PhD by Brandeis University in the US for her thesis “Standard Model electroweak precision measurements with two Z bosons and two jets in ATLAS”.
Redesign collaborations for equitable opportunity

Particle physics and cosmology capture the attention of nearly every inquisitive child. Though large collaborations and expensive machines have produced some of humankind’s most spectacular achievements, they have also made the field inaccessible to many young students. Making a meaningful contribution is contingent upon being associated with an institution or university that is a member of an experimental collaboration. One typically also has to study in a country that has a cooperation agreement with an international organisation like CERN.
If future experiments want to attract diverse talent, they should consider new collaborative models that allow participation irrespective of a person’s institution or country of origin. Scientific and financial responsibilities could be defined based on expertise and the research grants of individual research groups. Remote operations centres across the globe, such as those trialled by CERN experiments, could enable participants to fulfil their responsibilities without being constrained by international borders and travel budgets; the worldwide revolution in connectivity infrastructure could provide an opportunity to make this the norm rather than the exception. These measures could provide equitable opportunities to everyone while simultaneously maximising the scientific output of our field.
Spandan Mondal is a postdoctoral fellow at Brown University in the US. He was awarded a PhD by RWTH Aachen in Germany for his thesis on the CMS experiment “Charming decays of the Higgs, Z, and W bosons: development and deployment of a new calibration method for charm jet identification”.
Reward risk taking

Young scientists often navigate complex career paths, where the pressure to produce consistent publishable results can stifle creativity and discourage risk taking. Traditionally, young researchers are evaluated almost solely on achieved results, often leading to a culture of risk aversion. To foster a culture of innovation we must shift our approach to research and evaluation. To encourage bold and innovative thinking among ECRs, the fuel of scientific progress, we need to broaden our definition of success. European funding and grants have made strides in recognising innovative ideas, but more is needed. Mentorship and peer-review systems must also evolve, creating an environment open to innovative thinking, with a calculated approach to risk, guided by experienced scientists. Concrete actions include establishing mentorship programmes during scientific events, such as workshops and conferences. To maximise the impact, these programmes should prioritise diversity among mentors and mentees, ensuring that a wide range of perspectives and experiences are shared. Equally important is recognising and rewarding innovation. This can be achieved by dedicated awards that value originality and potential impact over guaranteed success. Celebrating attempts, even failed ones, can shift the focus from the outcome to the process of discovery, inspiring a new generation of scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge.
Francesca Ercolessi is a post-doc at the University of Bologna. She was awarded a PhD by the University of Bologna for her thesis “The interplay of multiplicity and effective energy for (multi) strange hadron production in pp collisions at the LHC”.
Our employment model stifles creativity

ECR colleagues are deeply passionate about the science they do and wish to pursue a career in our field – “if possible”. Is there anything one can do to better support this new generation of physicists? In my opinion, we have to address the scarcity of permanent positions in our field. Short-term contracts lead to risk aversion, and short-term projects with a high chance of publication increase your employment prospects. This is in direct contrast to what is needed to successfully complete ambitious future projects this century – projects that require innovation and out-of-the-box thinking by bright young minds.
In addition, employment in fundamental science is more than ever in direct competition with permanent jobs in industry. For example, machine learning and computing experts innovate our field with novel analysis techniques, but end up ultimately leaving our field to apply their skills in permanent employment elsewhere. If we want to keep talent in our field we must create a funding structure that allows realistic prospects for long-term employment and commitment to future projects.
Florian Jonas is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley and LBNL. He was awarded a PhD by the University of Münster for his thesis on the ALICE experiment “Probing the initial state of heavy-ion collisions with isolated prompt photons”.
Embrace private expertise and investment

The two great challenges of our time are data taking and data analysis. Rare processes like the production of Higgs-boson pairs have cross sections 10 orders of magnitude smaller than their backgrounds – and during HL-LHC operation the CMS trigger will have to analyse about 50 TB/s and take decisions with a latency of 12.5 μs. In recent years, we have made big steps forward with machine learning, but our techniques are not always up to speed with the current state-of-the-art in the private sector.
To sustain and accelerate our progress, the HEP community must be more open to new sources of funding, particularly from private investments. Collaborations with tech companies and private investors can provide not only financial support but also access to advanced technologies and expertise. Encouraging CERN–private partnerships can lead to the development of innovative tools and infrastructure, driving the field forward.
The recent establishment of the Next Generation Trigger Project, funded by the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation, represents the first step toward this kind of collaboration. Thanks to overlapping R&D interests, this could be scaled up to direct partnerships with companies to introduce large and sustained streams of funds. This would not only push the boundaries of our knowledge but also inspire and support the next generation of physicists, opening new tenured positions thanks to private funding.
Jona Motta is a post-doc at Universität Zürich. He was awarded a PhD by Institut Polytechnique de Paris for his thesis “Development of machine learning based τ trigger algorithms and search for Higgs boson pair production in the bbττ decay channel with the CMS detector at the LHC”.
Stability would stop the brain drain

The proposed Future Circular Collider presents a formidable challenge. Every aspect of its design, construction, commissioning and operations would require extensive R&D to achieve the needed performance and stability, and fully exploit the machine’s potential. The vast experience acquired at the LHC will play a significant role. Knowledge must be preserved and transmitted between generations. But the loss of expertise is already a significant problem at the LHC.
The main reason for young scientists to leave the field is the lack of institutional support: it’s hard to count on a stable working environment, regardless of our expertise and performance. The difficulty in finding permanent academic or research positions and the lack of recognition and advancement are all viewed as serious obstacles to pursuing a career in HEP. In these conditions, a young physicist might find competitive sectors such as industry or finance more appealing given the highly stable future they offer.
It is crucial to address this problem now for the HL-LHC. Large HEP collaborations should be more supportive to ensure better recognition and career advancement towards permanent positions. This kind of policy could help to retain young physicists and ensure they continue to be involved in the current HEP projects that would then define the success of the FCC.
Hassnae El Jarrari is a CERN research fellow in experimental physics. She was awarded a PhD by Université Mohammed-V De Rabat for her thesis “Dark photon searches from Higgs boson and heavy boson decays using pp collisions recorded at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and performance evaluation of the low gain avalanche detectors for the HL-LHC ATLAS high-granularity timing detector”.
Reduce environmental impacts

The main challenge for the future of large-scale HEP experiments is reducing our environmental impact, and raising awareness is key to this. For example, before running a job, the ALICE computing grid provides an estimate of its CO2-equivalent carbon footprint, to encourage code optimisation and save power.
I believe that if we want to thrive in the future, we should adopt a new way of doing physics where we think critically about the environment. We should participate in more collaboration meetings and conferences remotely, and promote local conferences that are reachable by train.
I’m not saying that we should ban air travel tout court. It’s especially important for early-career scientists to get their name out there and to establish connections. But by attending just one major international conference in person every two years, and publicising alternative means of communication, we can save resources and travel time, which can be invested in our home institutions. This would also enable scientists from smaller groups with reduced travel budgets to attend more conferences and disseminate their findings.
Luca Quaglia is a postdoctoral fellow at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Torino. He was awarded his PhD by the University of Torino for his thesis “Development of eco-friendly gas mixtures for resistive plate chambers”.
Invest in software and computing talent

With both computing and human resources in short supply, funds must be invested wisely. While scaling up infrastructure is critical and often seems like the simplest remedy, the human factor is often overlooked. Innovative ideas and efficient software solutions require investment in training and the recruitment of skilled researchers.
This investment must start with a stronger integration of software education into physics degrees. As the boundaries between physics and computer science blur, universities must provide a solid foundation, raise awareness of the importance of software in HEP and physics in general, and promote best practices to equip the next generation for the challenges of the future. Continuous learning must be actively supported, and young researchers must be provided with sufficient resources and appropriate mentoring from experienced colleagues.
Software skills remain in high demand in industry, where financial incentives and better prospects often attract skilled people from academia. It is in the interest of the community to retain top talent by creating more attractive and secure career paths. After all, a continuous drain of talent and knowledge is detrimental to the field, hinders the development of efficient software and computing solutions, and is likely to prove more costly in the long run.
Joshua Beirer is a CERN research fellow in the offline software group of the ATLAS experiment and part of the lab’s strategic R&D programme on technologies for future experiments. He was awarded his PhD by the University of Göttingen for his thesis “Novel approaches to the fast simulation of the ATLAS calorimeter and performance studies of track-assisted reclustered jets for searches for resonant X → SH → bbWW* production with the ATLAS detector”.
Strengthen international science

HEP is at an exciting yet critical inflection point. The coming years hold both unparalleled opportunities and growing challenges, including an expanding arena of international competition and the persistent issue of funding and resource allocation. In a swiftly evolving digital age, scientists must rededicate themselves to public service, engagement and education, informing diverse communities about the possible technological advancements of HEP research, and sharing with the world the excitement of discovering fundamental knowledge of the universe. Collaborations must be strengthened across international borders and political lines, pooling resources from multiple countries to traverse cultural gaps and open the doors of scientific diplomacy. With ever-increasing expenses and an uncertain political future, scientists must insist upon the importance of public research irrespective of any national agenda, and reinforce scientific veracity in a rapidly evolving world that is challenged by growing misinformation. Most importantly, the community must establish global priorities in a maturing age of precision, elevating not only new discoveries but the necessary scientific repetition to better understand what we discover.
The most difficult issues facing HEP research today are addressable and furthermore offer excellent opportunities to develop the scientific approach for the next several decades. By tackling these issues now, scientists can continue to focus on the mysteries of the universe, driving scientific and technological advancements for the betterment of all.
Ezra D. Lesser is a CERN research fellow working with the LHCb collaboration. He was awarded his PhD in physics by the University of California, Berkeley for his thesis: Measurements of jet substructure in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE”.
Recognise R&D

ECRs must drive the field’s direction by engaging in prospect studies for future experiments, but dedicating time to this essential work comes at the expense of analysing existing data – a trade-off that can jeopardise our careers. With most ECRs employed on precarious two-to-four year contracts, time spent on these studies can result in fewer high-profile publications, making it harder to secure our next academic position. Another important factor is the unprecedented timescales associated with many prospective futures. Those working on R&D today may never see the fruits of their labour.
Anxieties surrounding these issues are often misinterpreted as disengagement, but nothing could be further from the truth. In my experience, ECRs are passionate about research, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas that are crucial for advancing the field. However, we often struggle with institutional structures that fail to recognise the breadth of our contributions. By addressing longstanding issues surrounding attitudes toward work–life balance and long-term job stability – through measures such as establishing enforced minimum contract durations, as well as providing more transparent and diverse sets of criteria for transitioning to permanent positions – we can create a more supportive environment where HEP thrives, driven by the creativity and innovation of its next generation of leaders.
Savannah Clawson is a postdoctoral fellow at DESY Hamburg. She was awarded her PhD by the University of Manchester for her thesis “The light at the end of the tunnel gets weaker: observation and measurement of photon-induced W+W– production at the ATLAS experiment”.