
SuperB project reports progress

30 November 2010
Plans for SuperB

The SuperB collaboration has completed a series of reports detailing the progress made since publishing the Conceptual Design Report (CDR), in consolidating the physics case and in the design, cost and schedule of the detector and accelerator. The SuperB collider consists of two rings, in which beams of electrons and positrons collide to produce tens of billions of heavy quarks and heavy leptons per year for a sensitive exploration of their decays (B O’Leary et al. 2010).

The new detector represents a substantial advance, with improved resolution, radiation hardness and background-rejection capability (Grauges et al. 2010). There have been similar advances in the accelerator design compared with the preliminary CDR (Biagini et al. 2010). It is now smaller (1250 m circumference), has a fully worked-out lattice, incorporates a polarized electron beam and includes flexibility in reaching its design goal of a luminosity of 1036 cm–2s–1.

Further reading

M E Biagini et al. 2010 arXiv:1009.6178v1 [physics.acc-ph].
E Grauges et al. 2010 arXiv:1007.4241 [physics.ins-det].
B O’Leary et al. 2010 arXiv:1008.1541 [hep-ex].

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