
QCD and Heavy Quarks: In Memoriam Nikolai Uraltsev

13 November 2015

By I I Bigi, P Gambino and T Mannel (eds)
World Scientific


The book collects together articles on QCD and heavy-quark physics written in memory of Nikolai Uraltsev, who passed away unexpectedly in February 2013. Uraltsev was an excellent theorist with acute intuition, who dedicated his career to the study of phenomenological particle physics, in particular quantum chromodynamics and its non-perturbative properties. He is also considered one of the fathers of heavy-quark expansion. By writing this book, Uraltsev’s closest colleagues and friends intended to honour his groundbreaking work, as well as give testimonies of their personal relationships with him.

The text gives an overview of some aspects of QCD, including CP violation in hadronic processes and hadronic matrix elements in weak decays. Three selected works by Uraltsev are also reproduced in the appendix.

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