This year’s venue for the European Physical Society’s biennial Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics was the new campus of Eotvos University in Budapest, Hungary. From 41 countries, nearly 600 registered participants and more than 100 registered “accompanying persons” attended the scientific and social events.
As well as the traditional parallel and plenary sessions with all of the physics developments (most of which have already been reported in CERN Courier), the meeting included several innovations. One was an open session of the European Committee of Future Accelerators (ECFA) in which ECFA chairman Lorenzo Foa presented the draft of an ECFA report on the future of European accelerator-based particle physics. Another innovation came when many outsiders were attracted to talks by two leading Hungarian high-energy physicists. To avoid language difficulties, the talks were presented in parallel, one in Hungarian, and the other in English. Julius Kuti (UC San Diego and an external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) spoke on the cosmic significance of particle physics and Teraflop computing. Alex Szalay (Johns Hopkins and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) gave a talk on megamaps of the universe.

The next conference in the series will be held in Aachen, Germany, in 2003.
The proceedings of the Budapest conference will be published exclusively in electronic form by JHEP.