Image credit: C Curceanu.
Hadronic bound systems with strange quarks, such as kaonic hydrogen, are well suited for testing chiral dynamics, especially in view of the interplay between spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking. Effective field theories with coupled channels based on chiral meson–baryon Lagrangians have become well established as a framework for describing K–nucleon interactions at threshold, including much disputed Λ(1405) resonances and deeply bound antikaonic nuclear clusters lying just below the respective thresholds.
A recent precision measurement at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of the strong-interaction-induced shift and width of the 1s level in kaonic hydrogen sheds new light on these basic problems in strong-interaction binding and dynamics. Kaonic hydrogen, in which a K replaces the electron, is produced by the capture of stopped K from the decay of φ mesons in hydrogen gas. The φ mesons are generated nearly at rest at the DAΦNE e+e– collider, operating in a new, high-luminosity collision mode.
The shift and width of the kaonic 1s state is deduced from precision X-ray spectroscopy of the K-series transitions in the kaonic hydrogen. The emitted K-series X-rays, with energies of 6–9 keV, were detected by the recently developed Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Application (SIDDHARTA) experiment, which performs X-ray–kaon coincidence spectroscopy using microsecond timing and the excellent energy resolution of about 180 eV FWHM at 6 keV of 144 large-area (1 cm²) silicon drift detectors that surround the hydrogen target cell. This method reduces the large X-ray background from beam losses by orders of magnitude. It has led to the most precise values for the 1s level shift, ε1s= –283 ± 36 (stat.) ± 6 (syst.) eV, and width Γ1s = 541 ± 89 (stat.) ± 22 (syst.) eV for kaonic hydrogen (Bazzi et al. 2011).
A recent study using next-to-leading-order chiral dynamics calculations of the shift and the width has shown excellent agreement with these measurements (Ikeda et al. 2011). Further measurements with similar accuracy are planned for the K-series X-rays from kaonic deuterium, using an improved SIDDHARTA-2 set-up to disentangle the isoscalar and isovector scattering lengths.
Further reading
M Bazzi et al. Phys. Lett. B704 (2011) 113.
Y Ikeda, T Hyodo and W Weise 2011 arXiv:1109.3005[nucl-th].