
Exactly Solvable Models in Many-Body Theory

13 January 2017

By N H March and G G N Angilella
World Scientific


Following their previous book on many-body theory, the authors have written a new volume focused on exactly solvable models, to add to the literature in this field. Several theoretical models are presented for selected systems in condensed states of matter – including solid, liquid and disordered states – and for systems of few or many bodies.

The book starts with an introduction to low-order density matrices, then discusses exactly or nearly exactly solvable models for several few-particle systems. The material is arranged according to the statistics of these particle assemblies, going from small clusters of fermions to small clusters of bosons – with specific reference to Efimov trimers in nuclear and condensed-matter assemblies – to anyon statistics.

The second group of chapters is dedicated to models for selected many-body systems in condensed matter, where particular attention is given to superconductivity and superfluidity, and to isolated impurities in a solid. Pair-potential and many-body force models for liquids are also discussed, as well as disorder and its implications for transport in solids.

The authors then deal with more general topics, in particular statistical field theory (discussing some specific models and critical exponents) and relativistic field theory. Open problems in quantum gravity are also briefly reviewed in the concluding chapter, and several appendices are included at the end of the book.

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