
Exact Solutions in Three-Dimensional Gravity

15 January 2018

By Alberto A García-Díaz
Cambridge University Press

xact Solutions in Three-Dimensional Gravity

As stated by the author himself, this book is the result of many years of work and has the purpose of providing a comprehensive, but concise, account of exact solutions in three-dimensional (or 2+1) Einstein gravity. It presents the theoretical frameworks and the general physical and geometrical characteristics of each class of solutions, and includes information about the researchers who discovered or studied them.

These solutions are identified and ordered on the basis of their geometrical invariant properties, their symmetries and their algebraic classifications, or according to their physical nature. They are also examined from different perspectives.

Emphasis is given to solutions to the Einstein equation in the presence of matter and fields, such as: point particle solutions, perfect fluids, dilatons, inflatons and cosmological space-times.

The second part of the book discusses solutions to vacuum topologically massive gravity with a cosmological constant.

Overall, this text serves as a thorough catalogue of exact solutions in (2+1) Einstein gravity and is a very valuable resource for graduate students, as well as researchers in gravitational physics.

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