
Dignitaries mark CERN’s 70th anniversary

20 November 2024
Dignitaries mark CERN’s 70th anniversary
International relations Dignitaries mark CERN’s 70th anniversary. Credit: CERN

On 1 October a high-level ceremony at CERN marked 70 years of science, innovation and collaboration. In attendance were 38 national delegations, including eight heads of state or government and 13 ministers, along with many scientific, political and economic leaders who demonstrated strong support for CERN’s mission and future ambition. “CERN has become a global hub because it rallied Europe, and this is even more crucial today,” said president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. “China is planning a 100 km collider to challenge CERN’s global leadership. Therefore, I am proud that we have financed the feasibility study for CERN’s Future Circular Collider. As the global science race is on, I want Europe to switch gear.” CERN’s year-long 70th anniversary programme has seen more than 100 events organised in 63 cities in 28 countries, bringing together thousands of people to discuss the wonders and applications of particle physics. “I am very honoured to welcome representatives from our Member and Associate Member States, our Observers and our partners from all over the world on this very special day,” said CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti. “CERN is a great success for Europe and its global partners, and our founders would be very proud to see what CERN has accomplished over the seven decades of its life.”

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