
Amsterdam hosts ICHEP conference

30 September 2002

“Brilliant work by many people has resulted in an extraordinarily profound, precise description of the physical world,” concluded Frank Wilczek of MIT, in summarizing the 31st International Conference on High-Energy Physics in Amsterdam. “Because of this we can ask, and formulate plans to answer, some truly awesome questions.” Examples of new high-precision results presented at the conference included the measurements of the mass and width of the W boson at LEP and the Tevatron; the strong coupling constant at HERA and LEP; and CP violation in B mesons from the BaBar and Belle experiments, which Yossi Nir from the Weizmann Institute described in terms of the first successful precision test of the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism of CP violation. A full report of the conference will appear in next month’s issue of CERN Courier.

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