The 15th edition of Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN) attracted 100 delegates to Paphos in Cyprus from 31 October to 4 November 2023. EINN covers theoretical and experimental developments in hadron physics, including the partonic structure of nucleons and hadron spectroscopy, the muon magnetic moment, dark-matter searches, the electroweak structure of light nuclei, new experimental facilities and physics searches, lattice QCD, the integration of machine-learning methodologies in QCD and the potential of quantum computing in QCD.
A highlight of the conference was the evening plenary poster session. Luis Alberto Rodriguez Chacon (The Cyprus Institute), Cornelis Mommers (Mainz University) and Sotiris Pitelis (Mainz) were recognised with the prestigious EPS poster prize, and presented their work on the calculation of the gluon momentum fraction in mesons through lattice QCD simulations, exotic atoms, and the X17 discovery potential from γD → e+e–pn with neutron tagging. This edition of EINN also hosted topical workshops on the QCD analysis of nucleon structure and experimental opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider. Preceding the conference, a two-day meeting on careers in photonuclear physics was tailored to be a platform for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to establish professional networks.
With QCD taking a central role in contemporary physics research worldwide, the EINN conference is poised to maintain its crucial role as an international forum for the field.