Data privacy concerns us all
It is no coincidence that many dystopian visions of the future have breach of data privacy at the core of their plots, says David Foster.
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It is no coincidence that many dystopian visions of the future have breach of data privacy at the core of their plots, says David Foster.
"A new picture is emerging, one where co-ordination among and participation in these mega-efforts is required at an international level."
The new community, united by a shared pride in having contributed to CERN’s scientific endeavours, will provide an opportunity for alumni to maintain links with the Organization.
"We all need to join forces to assure CERN’s ongoing commitment to diversity."
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) is making a concerted effort to popularise particle physics.
The geographical enlargement policy of 2010 is important for the future of the CERN, says Emmanuel Tsesmelis.
LHC proton running for 2016 reached a conclusion on 26 October, after seven months of colliding protons at an energy of 13 TeV. The tally for the year is truly impressive. I could mention the fact t...
It is practically impossible to find a piece of technology that cannot be traced back to the work of scientists motivated purely by a desire to understand the world.
Demand for medical isotopes requires reactor- and accelerator-based production methods.
Steam once powered the world. If you wanted to build a factory, or a scientific laboratory, you needed a steam engine and a supply of coal. Today, for most of us, power comes out of the wall in the fo...