Kilonova solves the short GRB puzzle
Follow-up observations of a recent short-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) provide the strongest evidence yet that these elusive bursts result from the merger of two neutron stars. The evidence is in the...
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Follow-up observations of a recent short-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) provide the strongest evidence yet that these elusive bursts result from the merger of two neutron stars. The evidence is in the...
Astronomers using the 64-m Parkes radio telescope in Australia have detected radio transients with a duration of only 4 ms. These fast radio bursts (FRBs) are a recently discovered class of myste...
One of the key ways of looking into what happens when high-energy hadrons collide is to measure the relationship between the number, or multiplicity, of particles produced and their momentum transvers...
The LHCb collaboration has made the first sightings of the decay of B mesons into two baryons containing no charm quarks.
The GERDA collaboration has obtained new strong limits for neutrinoless double beta decay, which tests if neutrinos are their own antiparticles.
The international T2K collaboration chose the EPSHEP2013 meeting in Stockholm as the forum to announce its definitive observation of the transformation of muon-neutrinos to electron-neutrinos, νμ→...
Stockholm, with its many stretches of water, islands and old town, provided an attractive setting for the 2013 International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, EPS-HEP2013 on 18–24 July.
The ALICE collaboration had a significant presence at two recent major conferences: EPSHEP 2013 and SQM2013
Summary of the first run of the LHC with recognition to the people who wrote for the CERN Courier during this period.
The US LHC Accelerator Program (LARP) has successfully tested a powerful superconducting quadrupole magnet that will play a key role in developing a new beam-focusing system for the LHC.