Heavy ions and hidden sectors
The meeting was inspired by several recent proposals to take advantage of the unique environment of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC to search for new phenomena.
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The meeting was inspired by several recent proposals to take advantage of the unique environment of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC to search for new phenomena.
Since the first school in 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in the involvement of Latin-American groups in experimental HEP.
Projects include new designs for MRI gradient coils, the design of 14 and 16 T MRI magnets, and a conceptual design for new mammography magnets.
The scientific programme was bookended by local Australian-grown talent.
A field configuration is topologically non-trivial if it exhibits the topology of a “mathematical knot” in some space, real or otherwise.
PHYSTAT-nu 2019 was held at CERN from 22 to 25 January.
More than 300 experts convened from 18-22 February for the 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation.
Experts from around the world met for the second ALEGRO workshop, to discuss advanced linear-collider concepts at the energy frontier.
Around 100 delegates joined a co-innovation workshop in Liverpool to discuss the strategic R&D programme for a Future Circular Collider.
A memorial conference was held at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.