The new particles
Fifty years ago, the discovery of the J/ψ and its excitations sparked the November Revolution in particle physics, giving fresh experimental impetus to the theoretical ideas that would become the Sta...
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Fifty years ago, the discovery of the J/ψ and its excitations sparked the November Revolution in particle physics, giving fresh experimental impetus to the theoretical ideas that would become the Sta...
Early-career researchers tell the Courier what they think is the key strategic issue for the future of high-energy physics.
A photographic journey linking CERN’s early years to ongoing research.
Hybrid pixel detectors are changing the face of societal applications such as X-ray imaging.
Geared for discovery more so than delicacy, the LHC is defying expectations by rivalling lepton colliders for precision.
On-chip acceleration pioneers Robert Byer, Joel England, Peter Hommelhoff and Roy Shiloh report on progress to miniaturise accelerators from centimetres to microns.
Andrzej Buras explains how two rare kaon decays and four rare B-meson decays will soon probe for new physics beyond the reach of direct searches at colliders.
In February this year, the DUNE experiment completed the excavation of three enormous caverns 1.5 kilometres below the surface at the new Sanford Underground Research Facility.
From its pristine vantage point on the International Space Station, the Calorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, has uncovered anomalies in the spectra of protons and electrons below the cosmic-ray kne...
André de Gouvêa explains why neutrino masses imply the existence of new fundamental fields.