Rare isotope facility is set for 2020
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Project, which was awarded two years ago to Michigan State University by the US Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) is making significant progres...
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The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Project, which was awarded two years ago to Michigan State University by the US Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) is making significant progres...
The CMS experiment has released results of a new study that sheds more light on the phenomenon known as di-jet energy imbalance.
The ATLAS experiment has made the first observation of an unexpectedly large imbalance of energy in pairs of jets created in lead-ion collisions at the LHC.
Michael Albrow’s personal walk through the legacy of the ISR.
The CMS experiment at CERN recently published first measurements of the cross-section for top-antitop pair production at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.
The INPC 2010 meeting reveals a healthy and dynamic research field.
The collaboration has set its limits for the hypothesised particle outside of the Standard Model.
Agustin Sabio Vera reviews in 2010 Quantum Chromodynamics: Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects.
On 12 July, a ceremony at GSI celebrated the entry of copernicium into the periodic table of elements with a symbolic christening for the new element.
The EURORIB ’10 conference looked forward to an exciting time with radioactive ion beams.