ALICE looks to the future
After more than three years of highly successful operation, the ALICE detector is about to undergo a major programme of consolidation and upgrade during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) of CERN’s ac...
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After more than three years of highly successful operation, the ALICE detector is about to undergo a major programme of consolidation and upgrade during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) of CERN’s ac...
To see how much of a heavy ion participates in a collision, ALICE must determine a key parameter – centrality.
The TOTEM collaboration has published the first luminosity-independent measurement of the total proton–proton cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.
In analysing data from last year’s test run with proton–lead collisions in the LHC, the ALICE collaboration, followed almost immediately and independently by the ATLAS collaboration, have ...
One of the most interesting discoveries of the past decade is that of an unconventional hadron, the X(3872), by the Belle experiment (Belle 2003).
A report from the biennial international spin symposium.
The CMS collaboration has published its first result on proton–lead (pPb) collisions, related to the observation of a phenomenon that was seen first in nucleus–nucleus collisions but also detected...
400 theorists and experimentalists from all around the world convened in Munich on 8–12 October to discuss developments in the theory of strong interactions.
David Gross and Frank Wilczek look back at how QCD began to emerge in its current form 40 years ago.
Using data from the second high-statistics lead–lead (PbPb) run of the LHC, which took place in 2011, the ALICE experiment is taking new directions in studying the interaction of charm quarks wi...