On the trail of exotic particles
Since the quark model was first conceived 50 years ago, physicists have been searching for "exotic" hadrons – strongly interacting particles that are neither quark–antiquark pairs (mesons) nor th...
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Since the quark model was first conceived 50 years ago, physicists have been searching for "exotic" hadrons – strongly interacting particles that are neither quark–antiquark pairs (mesons) nor th...
The collaborations working on the world’s leading particle-collider experiments have joined forces, combined their data and produced the first joint result from Fermilab’s Tevatron collider and CE...
The final run of the LHC in January 2013 prior to the start of the current long shutdown provided collisions between a beam of protons and a beam of lead ions, allowing the LHCf experiment to make fur...
This book presents a new method – the introduction of the "mass gap" – first suggested by Arthur Jaffe and Edward Witten at the turn of the millennium.
Studies of the centrality-dependence of jet production in proton–lead collisions in ATLAS at the LHC are yielding surprising results.
The LHCb collaboration has released updated measurements of central exclusive production of the J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons.
Résumé ALICE : la matière nucléaire froide est-elle vraiment froide ? En septembre 2012, pour la première fois, des collisions proton-plomb ont eu lieu au LHC ; une exploitati...
In studies at the Beijing Electron–Positron Collider (BEPCII), the international team that operates the Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) experiment has found evidence for a family of what could well be...
The ALICE experiment, with its state-of-the-art detection systems, produced a wealth of results during Run 1 of the LHC (2009–2013) – driving a new impetus in the field of heavy-ion collisions. W...
Résumé ALICE : sur les traces d’un nouvel état de la matière Après deux périodes de collisions plomb-plomb au LHC, complétées par des campagnes de collisi...