Microeffect in muon magnetism
A new precision measurement of the muon's magnetism during an experiment at Brookhaven has shown a tiny unexplained discrepancy.
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A new precision measurement of the muon's magnetism during an experiment at Brookhaven has shown a tiny unexplained discrepancy.
In an entirely new energy range and with its special experimental conditions, the LHC could also discover other new physics effects.
With construction work for CERN's LHC and its big detectors under way a workshop, Standard Model Physics at the LHC, was held at CERN.
Some of the most compelling questions in particle physics today are to do with the Higgs boson and supersymmetry (SUSY).
Do particles and their antiparticles behave in the same way? Even tiny differences could be amplified over astronomical distances to produce very large effects.
While CERN's LHC proton collider is the world's major particle physics project, other avenues of research could yield complementary studies. Here, David Miller looks at the possibilities for a linea...
The annual theory workshop at the German DESY laboratory in Hamburg traditionally focuses on a burning physics issue. The latest event, exploring "Directions beyond the Standard Model", tried to pee...
The meeting was organized in Kazimierz, Poland, an old grain-shipping town on the Vistula, this spring