European particle physics gets ready for the future
On 14 July in Lisbon, CERN Council adopted a strategy for particle physics in Europe, which will enable the community to participate fully in an increasingly global adventure.
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On 14 July in Lisbon, CERN Council adopted a strategy for particle physics in Europe, which will enable the community to participate fully in an increasingly global adventure.
Harold Shapiro reviews the work of the committee that he chaired to recommend priorities for US particle physics during the next 15 years.
A total of 57 companies and 14 institutions from 13 countries demonstrated their interest in the European X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) project at an industry workshop held at DESY on 9-10 May.
The High-Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have established the J-PARC Center to take entire responsibility for operating the Japan Proton Accele...
On 14 February, the minister of finance of the Republic of Cyprus, Michalis Sarris, visited CERN, accompanied by a distinguished delegation, including Christos Schizas, the vice-rector of the Universi...
The impressive breadth and depth of European particle physics was on display in Orsay, France, at an open symposium organized by the CERN Council Strategy Group at the end of January.
On 25 January Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan, visited CERN with five government ministers, Parvez Butt, president of Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), and an eminent former preside...
A new frontier in experimental science was crossed in October when the state of South Dakota committed $20 million to pave the way for its acquisition and conversion of the Homestake Mine into a multi...
The schedule of the Global Design Effort (GDE) for the future International Linear Collider (ILC) was an important topic at the meeting in September of CERN's Scientific Policy Committee.
On 29 July, the rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, and CERN's director-general, Robert Aymar, signed a collaboration agreement relating to the comm...