AIDA makes EU-funded access to European facilities available
Access to six European test facilities is now available as part of a new EU project funded by the FP7 Capacities Programme.
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Access to six European test facilities is now available as part of a new EU project funded by the FP7 Capacities Programme.
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Project, which was awarded two years ago to Michigan State University by the US Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) is making significant progres...
The final particles will collide in Fermilab’s Tevatron this September at the end of the machine’s historic 26-year run.
The AIDA project (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators) will develop detector infrastructures for future particle-physics experiments in line with the European Strategy for ...
The opening of CERN to new members was top of the agenda when delegates met in December for the 157th session of the CERN Council.
The SuperB project has been announced as one of the "flagship projects" in Italy.
On 18 November 2010, CERN signed an agreement with the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) GmbH, the company that is co-ordinating the construction of the accelerator and experiment facil...
After publishing the CDR report, the SuperB collaboration is taking its next steps.
During an intense series of meetings, which concluded on 17 September, the CERN Council overwhelmingly approved the laboratory's revised Medium Term Plan for the period 2011 to 2015.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) was officially launched on 4 October in Wiesbaden.