Exploring the spin of top-quark pairs
The Standard Model makes precise predictions for the frequency at which the spin of the top quark is aligned with the spin of the top antiquark.
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The Standard Model makes precise predictions for the frequency at which the spin of the top quark is aligned with the spin of the top antiquark.
The cross-section of longitudinal weak-boson scattering would diverge, resulting in meaningless values, were it not for the exact cancellation due to Higgs-boson contributions.
The predicted cross section for tγj, including the branching fraction, is 81 fb, which corresponds to a few hundred events in the whole dataset.
Recent focus on measuring Standard Model properties using jet substructure has motivated ATLAS to measure the energy and mass response of large-radius jets with the highest possible precision.
Processes that include the Higgs boson’s favoured decay mode to b quarks (with about 58% probability) have until now remained elusive.
Experiment E989 is a reincarnation of the muon g-2 experiment at BNL, which found the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment to be 3.5 sigma above the Standard Model prediction.
Observing this decay mode and measuring its rate is mandatory to confirm (or not) the mass generation for fermions via Yukawa interactions, as predicted in the SM.
The conference brought together more than 100 researchers from 18 countries to discuss the latest results in precision calculations for particle physics at colliders.
Some 450 researchers from around the world headed to historic Bologna to attend the sixth Large Hadron Collider Physics conference.
New results released by the ATLAS collaboration firmly establish and measure these so-called Yukawa couplings to third-generation fermions.