Physicist by day, YouTuber by night
Fermilab's Don Lincoln describes his dual career as a researcher and science communicator.
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Fermilab's Don Lincoln describes his dual career as a researcher and science communicator.
Martin Bauer encourages anyone who is interested in fundamental physics to read "The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: space, time, and motion" by Sean Carroll.
Science Gateway project leader Patrick Geeraert describes the origins, status and goals of CERN’s new visitor and education centre, due to open in October.
The Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP) provides a unique learning experience as well as lifelong connections for early-career researchers.
What drives us to commit so much effort to outreach and public engagement? First of all, we love doing it, says chair of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group, Steve Goldfarb.
The most satisfying thing is witnessing people’s enthusiasm and their desire to learn more about CERN and its mission, says Bryan Pérez Tapia.
A fresh glimpse into Fred Reines' life in neutrino physics, as told by his younger cousin Leonard A Cole.
An informative, attractive and entertaining glossary of all things CERN and particle physics.
As someone who fell in love with science at a young age and enjoyed speaking and writing, Sean Carroll has clearly found his ideal career. But stepping outside the confines of research is not without ...
Peter Jenni finds a unique and excellent account of particle physics that goes way beyond a description of the LHC project.