AMS gets its slot on a space shuttle in 2010
AMS-02, the experiment that will seek dark matter, missing matter and antimatter in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS), has recently received the green light to be part of the STS-134 ...
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AMS-02, the experiment that will seek dark matter, missing matter and antimatter in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS), has recently received the green light to be part of the STS-134 ...
Recent data favour an astrophysical explanation for cosmic-ray features.
The Dark 2009 conference took place in Christchurch earlier this year.
The 2008 DESY Theory Workshop focused on the nature of dark matter.
Researchers gathered in Munich to discuss dark energy.
Konstantin Zioutas argues the case for a new scenario for solar axions.
Nine years ago the DAMA collaboration announced intriguing evidence for an annual modulation in the signals in its detectors, which could be evidence of dark-matter particles in the galactic halo.
The Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (COUPP) has tightened constraints on the spin-dependent properties of the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that are candidates ...
Marc Türler reviews in 2007 Dark Side of the Universe. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Fate of the Cosmos.
A workshop at the Institute for Advanced Study paid much attention to a small-scale experiment that might have found the first direct indication of a new particle.