ISOLDE goes from strength to strength
In 1964 CERN took the initiative to develop the means for studying short-lived nuclei. Forty years on, ISOLDE continues to be a world-leading facility for research with radioactive beams.
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In 1964 CERN took the initiative to develop the means for studying short-lived nuclei. Forty years on, ISOLDE continues to be a world-leading facility for research with radioactive beams.
Frank Close goes back 30 years to when he first heard of the remarkable results from Brookhaven and SLAC that heralded the discovery of the fourth quark, charm.
This third edition is a significantly expanded version of the original textbook published in 1990. It includes, for the first time, explicit solutions of nontrivial quantum-mechanical systems, in part...
Stephen Hawking's 60th birthday was celebrated in Cambridge, UK, with a meeting attended by many well-known theoretical physicists. This volume is based on lectures given at the meeting.
Brian Foster reviews in 2004 A Personal History of CESR and CLEO.
This graduate textbook is based on lectures given at Michigan State University. It leads the reader from basic laws to the final formulae used to calculate measurable quantities, and examines in detai...
The 40 year history of the ICTP, marked by international co-operation and understanding, provides valuable and enduring lessons that are as relevant today as they were at the centre's inception.
This summer DESY celebrated the discovery in 1979 of the first direct evidence for gluons in experiments at the electron-positron collider, PETRA. Talks at a special symposium provided some personal v...
Sergei Vavilov, whose research led to the discovery of Cherenkov radiation, contributed greatly to establishing a strong base for physics in the USSR, especially during the difficult years of the 1930...
Dieter Haidt, from the Gargamelle collaboration, describes how the team's major triumph came about and was eventually accepted.