Pioneers in Art and Science: Art, Poetry and Particle Physics
Michael Marten reviews in 2006 Pioneers in Art and Science: Art, Poetry and Particle Physics.
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Michael Marten reviews in 2006 Pioneers in Art and Science: Art, Poetry and Particle Physics.
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research celebrates its 50th anniversary as a renowned international intergovernmental scientific research organisation.
Article about the CERN Globe of Science and innovation (in French).
Christine Sutton reviews in 2014 A Physicist's Labour in War and Peace: Memoirs 1933-1999.
Marcello Lissia reviews in 2014 Astroparticle physics by Claus Grupen.
James Gillies reviews in 2005 Warped Passages: Unravelling the Universe's Hidden Dimensions.
François Vannucci reviews (in French) in 2005 La quête d'Einstein: "Au prix d'une peine infinie…".
Gordon Fraser reviews in 2005 The Artful Universe Expanded.
Mike Koratzinos reviews in 2005 Parallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and our Future in the Cosmos.
Thilo Pauly reviews in 2005 Das Einstein-Fenster - Eine Reise in die Raumzeit.