Raman Spectroscopy: An Intensity Approach
In this book the author offers an overview of Raman spectroscopy techniques – including Raman optical activity (ROA) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS) – covering their appl...
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In this book the author offers an overview of Raman spectroscopy techniques – including Raman optical activity (ROA) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS) – covering their appl...
This book, the 10th volume of the International Review of Nuclear Physics series, provides an overview of the current status of relativistic density functional theories and their applications.
Rogelio Palomo reviews in 2016 Who Cares About Particle Physics? Making Sense of the Higgs Boson, the Large Hadron Collider and CERN.
This book provides a concise treatment of general relativity (GR) ideal for a semester course for undergraduate students or first-year graduate students in physics or engineering.
Wolfram Fischer reviews in 2016 Electron Lenses for Super-Colliders.
Erik Heijne reviews in 2016 Nanoscale Silicon Devices.
In this book, the author discusses the scientific nature of light and colours, how we see them and how we use them in a variety of applications.
Pere Mato Vila reviews in 2016 Learning Scientific Programming With Python.
Volume 7 of Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology is dedicated to colliders and provides an in-depth panorama of the different technologies developed since the construction in the 1960s of the...
Roberto Contino reviews in 2016 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields.