RAON’s rare-isotope ambitions
South Korea’s RAON heavy-ion accelerator facility will open up new opportunities in rare-isotope science when it comes online later in the decade.
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South Korea’s RAON heavy-ion accelerator facility will open up new opportunities in rare-isotope science when it comes online later in the decade.
Pakistan’s domestic effort to scale up commercial production of medical radioisotopes taps into a productive R&D collaboration with CERN’s MEDICIS facility.
China’s Institute of High Energy Physics is looking to establish an internationally recognised centre-of-excellence for accelerator research and technology development.
The second EPOL workshop focused on methods to achieve the best knowledge of the collision energy for precision measurements at the FCC-ee.
Crystal collimation, which makes use of a phenomenon called planar channelling, is key to handling the more intense beams at Run 3 and the High-Luminosity LHC.
Fermilab director Lia Merminga describes her career and priorities.
Two R&D projects in Switzerland are exploring the use of high-temperature superconductors for the proposed electron-positron Future Circular Collider.
"Mining the Future" invited experts to seek sustainable ways of reusing the rock that would need to be excavated for a future circular collider at CERN.
After five years of arduous activity, new surface and underground structures are ready to house the services, technical infrastructure and accelerator equipment required for the High-Luminosity LHC.
IPAC’22 was a successful and memorable conference, seen as a symbol of the return to normal scientific activities and face-to-face interactions.