Claire Malone argues that science communicators should not stray too far into public-relations territory.

The line between science communication and public relations has become increasingly blurred. On one side, scientific press officers highlight institutional success, secure funding and showcase breakthrough discoveries. On the other, science communicators and journalists present scientific findings in a way that educates and entertains readers – acknowledging both the triumphs and the inherent uncertainties of the scientific process.
The core difference between these approaches lies in how they handle the inevitable messiness of science. Science isn’t a smooth, linear path of consistent triumphs; it’s an uncertain, trial-and-error journey. This uncertainty, and our willingness to discuss it openly, is what distinguishes authentic science communication from a polished public relations (PR) pitch. By necessity, PR often strives to present a neat narrative, free of controversy or doubt, but this risks creating a distorted perception of what science actually is.
Finding your voice
Take, for example, the situation in particle physics. Experiments probing the fundamental laws of physics are often critiqued in the press for their hefty price tags – particularly when people are eager to see resources directed towards solving global crises like climate change or preventing future pandemics. When researchers and science communicators are finding their voice, a pressing question is how much messiness to communicate in uncertain times.
After completing my PhD as part of the ATLAS collaboration, I became a science journalist and communicator, connecting audiences across Europe and America with the joy of learning about fundamental physics. After a recent talk at the Royal Institution in London, in which I explained how ATLAS measures fundamental particles, I received an email from a colleague. The only question the talk prompted him to ask was about the safety of colliding protons, aiming to create undiscovered particles. This reaction reflects how scientific misinformation – such as the idea that experiments at CERN could endanger the planet – can be persistent and difficult to eradicate.
In response to such criticisms and concerns, I have argued many times for the value of fundamental physics research, often highlighting the vast number of technological advancements it enables, from touch screens to healthcare advances. However, we must be wary not to only rely on this PR tactic of stressing the tangible benefits of research, as it can sometimes sidestep the uncertainties and iterative nature of scientific investigation, presenting an oversimplified version of scientific progress.

This PR-driven approach risks undermining public understanding and trust in science in the long run. When science is framed solely as a series of grand successes without any setbacks, people may become confused or disillusioned when they inevitably encounter controversies or failures. Instead, this is where honest science communication shines – admitting that our understanding evolves, that we make mistakes and that uncertainties are an integral part of the process.
Our evolving understanding of particle physics is a perfect illustration of this. From Democritus’ concept of “indivisible atoms” to the development of the Standard Model, every new discovery has refined or even overhauled our previous understanding. This is the essence of science – always refining, never perfect – and it’s exactly what we should be communicating to the public.
Embracing this messiness doesn’t necessarily reduce public trust. When presenting scientific results to the public, it’s important to remember that uncertainty can take many forms, and how we communicate these forms can significantly affect credibility. Technical uncertainty – expressing complexity or incomplete information – often increases audience trust, as it communicates the real intricacies of scientific research. Conversely, consensus uncertainty – spotlighting disagreements or controversies among experts – can have a negative impact on credibility. When it comes to genuine disagreements among scientists, effectively communicating uncertainty to the public requires a thoughtful balance. Transparency is key: acknowledging the existence of different scientific perspectives helps the public understand that science is a dynamic process. Providing context about why disagreements exist, whether due to limited data or competing theoretical frameworks, also helps in making the uncertainty comprehensible.
Embrace errors
In other words, the next time you present your latest results on social media, don’t shy away from including the error bars. And if you must have a public argument with a colleague about what the results mean, context is essential!
Acknowledging the existence of different scientific perspectives helps the public understand that science is a dynamic process
No one knows where the next breakthrough will come from or how it might solve the challenges we face. In an information ecosystem increasingly filled with misinformation, scientists and science communicators must help people understand the iterative, uncertain and evolving nature of science. As science communicators, we should be cautious not to stray too far into PR territory. Authentic communication doesn’t mean glossing over uncertainties but rather embracing them as an essential part of the story. This way, the public can appreciate science not just as a collection of established facts, but as an ongoing, dynamic process – messy, yet ultimately satisfying.