Wesley Smith of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and member of the CMS collaboration, has won the American Physical Society (APS) 2020 W K H Panofsky Prize “for the development of sophisticated trigger systems for particle-physics experiments, which enabled measuring the detailed partonic structure of the proton using the ZEUS experiment at HERA and led to the discovery of the Higgs boson and the completion of the Standard Model with the CMS experiment at the LHC”.

The 2020 J J Sakurai Prize for theoretical particle physics went to Pierre Sikivie of the University of Florida for seminal work recognising the potential visibility of the invisible axion, devising novel methods to detect it, and for theoretical investigations of its cosmological implications.

In the accelerator arena, the 2020 Robert R Wilson Prize was awarded to Bruce Carlsten of Los Alamos National Laboratory for the discovery and subsequent implementation of emittance compensation in photo-injectors “that has enabled the development of high-brightness, X-ray free electron lasers such as the Linac Coherent Light Source”.

Among several other prizes awarded in the particle, nuclear, astrophysics and related fields, the 2020 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics went to Matt Pyle of the University of California at Berkeley for his development of high-resolution ultra-low-threshold cryogenic detectors for dark-matter searches.