Collaboration is the engine-room of scientific progress for Europe’s large-scale research facilities. That truism also applies in equal measure to the enabling technologies that underpin day-to-day operations across those same big-science endeavours – as evidenced by the exclusive coverage in our latest In Focus report. Germany’s Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is a case study in this regard, working with R&D partners like CERN and INFN to support the implementation of its cryogenic systems and superconducting magnets. Meanwhile, partnership is front-and-centre for CERN’s vacuum and engineering specialists, who are working closely with their counterparts in the gravitational-wave community on design studies for the Einstein Telescope, a proposed next-generation observatory. Further reports highlight the importance of joined-up innovation in superconducting radio-frequency technologies and advanced materials R&D for fusion, while Katy Foraz explains how she promotes a culture of cross-disciplinary collaboration and continuous improvement within CERN’s engineering department. Collaboration, it seems, is a win–win.
All of the articles from the print edition are available online, or alternatively you can download a PDF version.
Reviewing a vibrant field in flux as it grapples with how to attack the next big questions