ALICE takes a first look at diffraction
Diffractive processes represent more than 25% of the cross-section for inelastic proton–proton collisions at the LHC. So, it is only natural that the ALICE collaboration is interested in a field...
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Diffractive processes represent more than 25% of the cross-section for inelastic proton–proton collisions at the LHC. So, it is only natural that the ALICE collaboration is interested in a field...
With the expected energy upgrade of the LHC the frequency of boosted final states will increase and even more sophisticated methods will be needed to search for physics beyond the Standard Model
On 10–12 September, some 500 physicists attended an open symposium in Krakow for the purpose of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics, which was adopted by CERN Council in 2006.
The triple-alpha reaction rate that produces carbon-12 in stars and other energetic astronomical phenomena has been a tricky subject for nuclear theorists for some time.
Astronomers have been tracking the motion of stars at the very centre of the Galaxy for the past 20 years. One star in particular has attracted a great deal of attention by completing a full orbi...
The origin of the enigmatic "lunar swirls" – patches of relatively pale lunar soil, some measuring several tens of kilometres across – has been an unresolved mystery since the mid-1960s, when NASA...
By professional astronomy standards, the 2.5 m telescope at Apache Point Observatory is quite small. More than 50 research telescopes are larger and many are located at much better sites.
The LHC has delivered more than twice as many collisions to the ATLAS and CMS experiments this year as it did in all of 2011.
Photons are a critical tool at the LHC, and the ATLAS detector has been carefully designed to measure photons precisely.
The symmetries of parity (P) and its combination with charge conjugation (C) are known to be broken in the weak interaction.