Why do some gamma-ray bursts last hours?
Three unusually long-lasting stellar explosions discovered by NASA’s Swift satellite represent a new class of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Astrophysicists conclude that they probably arose from the ...
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Three unusually long-lasting stellar explosions discovered by NASA’s Swift satellite represent a new class of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Astrophysicists conclude that they probably arose from the ...
The international team running the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) has announced the first results in its search for dark matter.
The Antihydrogen TRAP (ATRAP) experiment at CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator has reported a new measurement of the antiproton’s magnetic moment made with an unprecedented uncertainty of 4.4 parts pe...
The "winter" conferences earlier this year saw the LHCb collaboration present three important results from its increasingly precise search for new physics.
BESIII team reported the observation of a new particle product of the decay of Y(4260).
The international Borexino collaboration has released results from a new measurement of geoneutrinos corresponding to 1352.60 live days and about 187 tonnes of liquid scintillator after all selectio...
The OPERA experiment at Gran Sasso has observed a third neutrino oscillation, with a muon-neutrino produced at CERN detected as a τ neutrino in the Gran Sasso laboratory. This extremely rare event wa...
The long awaited results from ESA’s Planck mission, based on the most detailed observations to date of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), were released on 21 March. While the new data c...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) – two studies for next-generation projects to complement the LHC – now belong to the same organization.
When the LHC and injector beams stopped on 16 February, the following words appeared on LHC Page 1: "No beam for a while. Access required: Time estimate ˜2 years".