- Theory
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- Meeting
Amplitudes 2022
1—6 August 2022 | Prague, Czech Republic
Amplitudes 2022, the 14th in a series of annual meetings, brings together a community of researchers in this fast-growing field of theoretical physics, interested in both formal and practical aspects of scattering amplitudes, and wide range of applications from pure mathematics to collider and gravitational wave physics.
Amplitudes Summer School will take place the week prior to the conference, August 1-6, 2022.
Scientific Advisory Committee
- Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton)
- Zvi Bern (UCLA)
- Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State U.)
- Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin)
- Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter)
- Clifford Cheung (Caltech)
- Lance Dixon (SLAC)
- Henriette Elvang (University of Michigan)
- Song He (CAS Beijing and Hangzhou)
- Johannes Henn (Max Planck Inst., Munich)
- David Kosower (IPhT, Saclay)
- Michèle Levi (Oxford University)
- Lionel Mason (Oxford University)
- Anastasia Volovich (Brown University)
Local Organizers
Karol Kampf (Charles University), Jaroslav Trnka (UC Davis)
Christoph Bartsch, Jiří Novotný, Petr Vaško (Charles University Prague)
Klaus Bering, Michal Pazderka (Masaryk University Brno)
Constantinos Skordis, Renann Lipinski Jusinskas, Will Emond (Academy of Sciences Prague), Taro Brown (UC Davis)
Confirmed speakers
Agnese Bissi, Alessandra Buonanno, Alex Edison, Alexander Zhiboedov, Alfredo Guevara, Amit Sever, Andrew McLeod, Andrzej Pokraka, Callum Jones, Chia-Hsien Shen, Congkao Wen, Dalimil Mazac, David Kosower, Dimitry Chicherin, Fabrizio Caola, Gabriele Travaglini, Guilherme Pimentel, Gustav Mogull, Henriette Elvang, Hofie Hannesdottir, Johannes Henn, Julio Parra-Martinez, Lance Dixon, Livia Ferro, Lucia Cordova, Marc Spradlin, Mariana Carrillo-Gonzalez, Matthias Wilhelm, Michèle Levi, Monica Pate, Natalie Paquette, Nathaniel Craig, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Sabrina Pasterski, Sebastian Mizera, Shruti Paranjape, Song He, Tim Adamo, Xi Yin, Zohar Komargodski, Zvi Bern
This conference receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Novel structures in scattering amplitudes, grant agreement No 725110). We also acknowledge the support of Charles University, the Czech Science Foundation, the Czech Ministry of Education, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Masaryk University.
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