Trends in isotope discovery
Michael Thoennessen did not realize where documenting the discovery of isotopes would lead.
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Michael Thoennessen did not realize where documenting the discovery of isotopes would lead.
Hadronic bound systems with strange quarks, such as kaonic hydrogen, are well suited for testing chiral dynamics, especially in view of the interplay between spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking...
The ALICE TOF is made of 1593 MRPCs, each of which is 120 cm long and consists of a double-stack MRPC, with a total of 10 gaps 250 μm wide
While primarily designed for proton–proton collisions, the ATLAS detector is also an excellent tool to perform measurements in the hot, dense environment of heavy-ion collisions, where temperatures ...
One the many surprises to have emerged from studies of heavy-ion collisions at Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and now at CERN's LHC concerns the extreme fluidity of the dense matt...
Finding out more about the proton at LHC energies.
The results, presented at the Quark Matter 2011 conference (Heavy ions in Annecy), hint at the recombination of charm and anticharm quarks in the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) formed in heavy-ion collisi...
Experiments at the Jülich Cooler Synchrotron, COSY, have found evidence for a new complex state in the two-baryon system, with mass 2.37 GeV and width 70 MeV.
A turning point in understanding at Quark Matter 2011.
Homing in on a missing piece in the study of exotic nuclei.