Quarks, gluons and sea in Marseilles
A report from the latest workshop on deep-inelastic scattering.
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A report from the latest workshop on deep-inelastic scattering.
One of the key ways of looking into what happens when high-energy hadrons collide is to measure the relationship between the number, or multiplicity, of particles produced and their momentum transvers...
The LHCb collaboration has made the first sightings of the decay of B mesons into two baryons containing no charm quarks.
The ALICE collaboration had a significant presence at two recent major conferences: EPSHEP 2013 and SQM2013
Two teams working on experiments at CERN’s ISOLDE facility have published results that extend knowledge in different areas of nuclear and atomic physics.
The ALICE experiment is optimized to perform in the environment of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, which can produce thousands of particles. Its design combines an excellent vertex resolution with a ...
The physics of heavy quark–antiquark bound states is a long-standing puzzle, made more intriguing by results from the LHC.
Most atomic nuclei that exist naturally are not spherical but have the shape of a rugby ball.
When quarks and gluons (partons) in opposing beams at high-energy hadron colliders meet they can scatter violently to produce correlated showers of particles, or “jets”. In proton–pr...
The TOTEM collaboration has published the first luminosity-independent measurement at the LHC of the total proton–proton cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV.