Hands across the Mediterranean
Scientists from North Africa, the Middle East and Europe came together in a meeting at CERN to discuss common projects in fields varying from particle physics to water desalination. Robert Klapisch re...
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Scientists from North Africa, the Middle East and Europe came together in a meeting at CERN to discuss common projects in fields varying from particle physics to water desalination. Robert Klapisch re...
The European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC, has developed a distinctive role on the world stage, explains Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, the EPAC conferences coordinator.
The findings of a recent study reveal the significant and widespread impact on high-tech companies of contracts with CERN.
The Lepton Photon 2003 conference, hosted by Fermilab, provided an opportunity to take stock and to look ahead to TeV-scale physics in the coming decade. John Womersley and James Gillies report.
Douglas Higinbotham reports from the Jefferson Lab symposium on results that span the boundary between nuclear-meson models and quark-gluon physics.
Basic research, such as particle physics, not only attracts much needed young people to science, it also provides valuable training, says Maurice Jacob.
John Ellis looks at what CERN can offer scientists - and the wider society - in developing countries.
CERN offers three grants every year to East, Southeast and South Asia* postgraduates under the age of 33, enabling them to participate in its scientific programme in the areas of experimental and theo...
The new Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology has been inaugurated at SLAC.
Bulgaria joined CERN in June 1999 as the laboratory's 20th member state. An ECFA visit took place in September 2002 to find out about particle physics in the country.