New protocol accords CERN wider international status
CERN's member states have adopted a new protocol on the privileges and immunities of the organization.
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CERN's member states have adopted a new protocol on the privileges and immunities of the organization.
Alexandru Mihul believes that the distribution of data from large laboratories to smaller institutes for longer term analysis has benefits for all.
Ministers meeting at the end of January for the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy of the OECD have acknowledged the importance of ensuring access to large-scale research infrastructure...
CERN and the collaboration behind the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment have signed a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the execution of the experiment.
The UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) has approved a £21 million (~€31 million) programme of accelerator R&D for future facilities in particle physics, including a linear c...
The Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee's recently published long-range plan looks forward to an exciting future with new facilities and challenging research.
Outreach should be recognized as a natural part of scientific research, and hence of its funding, argues Erik Johansson.
Estonia's parliament has recently approved special funding from the country's state budget of some €100,000 annually for the period 2004-2010.
Recent major exhibitions have provided the opportunity to demonstrate the potential of the high-speed link between Europe and North America, as Chris Jones reports.
A workshop in China provided the occasion for a rare event in particle physics - the simultaneous participation of the spokesmen for the four major experiments being prepared for the LHC.