Gauge–boson polarisation observed in WZ production
For the first time at any experiment, the CMS collaboration have observed longitudinally polarised W bosons in diboson production.
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For the first time at any experiment, the CMS collaboration have observed longitudinally polarised W bosons in diboson production.
Over 1000 physicists took part in the ninth Large Hadron Collider Physics conference.
The ATLAS collaboration has uncovered the first strong evidence to support the existence of one of the most spectacular processes accessible at the LHC.
The highlight of the conference was the new LHCb result on RK based on the full Run 1 and Run 2 data.
Steven Weinberg reflects on winning the Breakthrough Prize, effective field theory, and the mass-hierarchy problem.
The collaboration has taken an encouraging step towards observing a process with access to the key unknown parameter in the shape of the Brout-Englert-Higgs potential: the self-coupling λ.
The move to constrain effective field theories rather than signal strengths for couplings marks a new, more comprehensive phase in Standard Model tests at the LHC.
The ATLAS collaboration today reported a 3.2σ excess over background of H → ℓℓγ decay candidates with dilepton mass less than 30 GeV.
An electron–positron Higgs factory following the LHC would significantly expand our knowledge about this unique and mysterious elementary scalar.
Ivo van Vulpen’s popular book isn’t an airy pamphlet cashing in on the 2012 discovery, but a realistic representation of what it’s like to be a particle physicist.