Quark–Gluon Plasma 5
As the fifth volume in a series on quark–gluon plasma (QGS), this text provides an update on the recent advances in theoretical and phenomenological studies of QGS.
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As the fifth volume in a series on quark–gluon plasma (QGS), this text provides an update on the recent advances in theoretical and phenomenological studies of QGS.
Massimo Giovannini reviews in 2016 Images of Time: Mind, Science, Reality.
Résumé Une histoire de luminosité Les résultats du programme du Tevatron ont largement dépassé les objectifs de physique prévus initialement, en raison notamment de ...
The book provides an introduction to the characteristics and operation of lasers through laboratory experiments for undergraduate students in physics and chemistry.
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Open access publishing is proving to be a very successful publishing model in the scholarly scientific field: today, more than 10,000 journals are accessible in OA, according to the Directory of Open ...
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of quantum confined semiconductor lasers, based on the author’s long and extensive experience in the field.