
The LHC’s first long run

19 August 2013

From the first 3.5 TeV collisions in March 2010 to the start of the first long shutdown in March 2013, the LHC went through three years of improving performance. This led in 2012 to the discovery of a Higgs boson, which made headlines around the world and brought many accolades to CERN, including the 2013 EPS-HEPP prize (EPS-HEP2013: these are good times for physics). This issue takes a look behind the scenes at what underpinned the successful operation of the LHC during this first long run. With thanks to Theresa Harrison, Warwick University, for her editorial work with the authors of these articles. Thanks also to Jesse Karjalainen, IOP Publishing, for his work on the design of what will be his last issue of CERN Courier as he heads for pastures new after six years.

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