
Resolving asymmetries in B0 and B0s oscillations

17 January 2024

A report from the LHCb experiment.

In the Standard Model (SM), CP violation originates from a single complex phase in the 3 × 3 Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix. The unitarity condition of the CKM matrix (Vud V*ub + Vcd V*cb + Vtd V*tb = 0, where Vij are the CKM matrix elements) can be represented as a triangle in the complex plane, with an area proportional to the amount of CP violation in the quark sector. One angle of this triangle, γ = arg (–Vud V*ub/ Vcd V*cb), is of particular interest as it can be probed both indirectly under the assumption of unitarity and in tree-level processes that make no such assumption. Its most sensitive direct experimental determination is currently given by a combination of LHCb measurements of B+, B0, B0s decays to final states containing a D(s) meson and one or more light mesons. Decay-time-dependent analyses of tree-level B0s Ds K± and B0 Dπ± decays are sensitive to the angle γ through CP violation in the interference between mixing and decay amplitudes. Thus, comparing the value of γ obtained from tree-level processes with indirect measurements of γ and other unitary triangle parameters in loop-level processes provides an important consistency check of the SM.

LHCb figure 1

Measurements using neutral B0 and B0s mesons are particularly powerful because they resolve ambiguities that other measurements cannot. Due to the interference between B0(s) – B0(S) mixing and decay amplitudes, the physical CP-violating parameters in these decays are functions of a combination of γ and the relevant mixing phase, namely γ + 2β in the B0 system, where β = arg(–Vcd V*cb/ Vtd V*tb), and γ–2βs in the B0s system, where βs = arg(–Vts V*tb/ Vtd V*tb). Measurements of these physical quantities can therefore be interpreted in terms of the angles γ and β(s), and γ can be derived using independent determinations of the other parameter as input.

The LHCb collaboration recently presented a new measurement of B0s Ds K± decays collected during Run 2. This is a challenging analysis, as it requires a decay time-dependent fit to extract the CP-violating observables expressed as amplitudes of the four different decay paths that arise from B0s and – B0s to Ds K± final states. Previously, LHCb measured γ in this decay using the Run 1 dataset, obtaining γ = 128 +17–22°. The B0s – B0s oscillation frequency ∆ms must be precisely constrained in order to determine the phase differences between the amplitudes. In the Run 2 measurement, the established uncertainty on ∆ms would have been a limiting systematic uncertainty, which motivated the recent LHCb measurement of ∆ms using the flavour-specific B0s Ds π+ decays from the same dataset. Combined with Run 1 measurements of ∆ms, this has led to the most precise contribution to the world average and has greatly improved the precision on γ in the B0s Ds K± analysis. Indeed, for the first time the four amplitudes are resolved with sufficient precision to show the decay rates separately (see figure 1).

The angle γ is determined using inputs from other LHCb measurements of the CP-violating weak phase –2βs, along with measurements of the decay width and decay-width difference. The final result, γ = 74 ± 11°, is compatible with the SM and is the most precise determination of γ using B0s meson decays to date.

Further reading

LHCb Collab. 2023 LHCb-CONF-2023-004.

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