A report from the LHCb experiment.
In the Standard Model (SM), CP violation originates from a single complex phase in the 3 × 3 Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix. The unitarity condition of the CKM matrix (Vud V*ub + Vcd V*cb + Vtd V*tb = 0, where Vij are the CKM matrix elements) can be represented as a triangle in the complex plane, with an area proportional to the amount of CP violation in the quark sector. One angle of this triangle, γ = arg (–Vud V*ub/ Vcd V*cb), is of particular interest as it can be probed both indirectly under the assumption of unitarity and in tree-level processes that make no such assumption. Its most sensitive direct experimental determination is currently given by a combination of LHCb measurements of B+, B0, B0s decays to final states containing a D(s) meson and one or more light mesons. Decay-time-dependent analyses of tree-level B0s → D∓s K± and B0 → D∓π± decays are sensitive to the angle γ through CP violation in the interference between mixing and decay amplitudes. Thus, comparing the value of γ obtained from tree-level processes with indirect measurements of γ and other unitary triangle parameters in loop-level processes provides an important consistency check of the SM.

Measurements using neutral B0 and B0s mesons are particularly powerful because they resolve ambiguities that other measurements cannot. Due to the interference between B0(s) – B0(S) mixing and decay amplitudes, the physical CP-violating parameters in these decays are functions of a combination of γ and the relevant mixing phase, namely γ + 2β in the B0 system, where β = arg(–Vcd V*cb/ Vtd V*tb), and γ–2βs in the B0s system, where βs = arg(–Vts V*tb/ Vtd V*tb). Measurements of these physical quantities can therefore be interpreted in terms of the angles γ and β(s), and γ can be derived using independent determinations of the other parameter as input.
The LHCb collaboration recently presented a new measurement of B0s → D∓s K± decays collected during Run 2. This is a challenging analysis, as it requires a decay time-dependent fit to extract the CP-violating observables expressed as amplitudes of the four different decay paths that arise from B0s and – B0s to D∓s K± final states. Previously, LHCb measured γ in this decay using the Run 1 dataset, obtaining γ = 128 +17–22°. The B0s – B0s oscillation frequency ∆ms must be precisely constrained in order to determine the phase differences between the amplitudes. In the Run 2 measurement, the established uncertainty on ∆ms would have been a limiting systematic uncertainty, which motivated the recent LHCb measurement of ∆ms using the flavour-specific B0s → D–s π+ decays from the same dataset. Combined with Run 1 measurements of ∆ms, this has led to the most precise contribution to the world average and has greatly improved the precision on γ in the B0s → D∓s K± analysis. Indeed, for the first time the four amplitudes are resolved with sufficient precision to show the decay rates separately (see figure 1).
The angle γ is determined using inputs from other LHCb measurements of the CP-violating weak phase –2βs, along with measurements of the decay width and decay-width difference. The final result, γ = 74 ± 11°, is compatible with the SM and is the most precise determination of γ using B0s meson decays to date.
Further reading
LHCb Collab. 2023 LHCb-CONF-2023-004.