A report from the ALICE experiment.

According to the cosmological standard model, the first generation of nuclei was produced during the cooling of the hot mixture of quarks and gluons that was created shortly following the Big Bang. Relativistic heavy-ion collisions create a quark–gluon plasma (QGP) on a small scale, producing a “little bang”. In such collisions, the nucleosynthesis mechanism at play is different from the one of the Big Bang due to the rapid cool down of the fireball. Recently, the nucleosynthesis mechanism in heavy-ion collisions has been investigated via the measurement of hypertriton production by the ALICE collaboration.
The hypertriton, which consists of a proton, a neutron and a Λ hyperon, can be considered to be a loosely bound deuteron-Λ molecule (see “Inside pentaquarks and tetraquarks“). In this picture, the energy required to separate the Λ from the deuteron (BΛ) is about 100 keV, significantly lower than the binding energy of ordinary nuclei. This makes hypertriton production a sensitive probe of the properties of the fireball.
In heavy-ion collisions, the formation of nuclei can be explained by two main classes of models. The statistical hadronisation model (SHM) assumes that particles are produced from a system in thermal equilibrium. In this model, the production rate of nuclei depends only on their mass, quantum numbers and the temperature and volume of the system. On the other hand, in coalescence models, nuclei are formed from nucleons that are close together in phase space. In these models, the production rate of nuclei is also sensitive to their nuclear structure and size.
For an ordinary nucleus like the deuteron, coalescence and SHM predict similar production rates in all colliding systems, but for a loosely bound molecule such as the hypertriton, the predictions of the two models differ significantly. In order to identify the mechanism of nuclear production, the ALICE collaboration used the ratio between the production rates of hypertriton and helium-3 – also known as a yield ratio – as an observable.
ALICE measured hypertriton production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity density using Pb–Pb collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair during LHC Run 2. Figure 1 shows the yield ratio of hypertriton to 3He across different multiplicity intervals. The data points (red) exhibit a clear deviation from the SHM (dashed orange line), but are well-described by the coalescence model (blue band), supporting the conclusion that hypertriton formation at the LHC is driven by the coalescence mechanism.
The ongoing LHC Run 3 is expected to improve the precision of these measurements across all collision systems, allowing us to probe the internal structure of hypertriton and even heavier hypernuclei, whose properties remain largely unknown. This will provide insights into the interactions between ordinary nucleons and hyperons, which are essential for understanding the internal composition of neutron stars.
Further reading
ALICE Collab. 2024 arXiv:2405.19839.