The Scientific Committees of the SPS at CERN and of the Gran Sasso laboratories will meet at CERN on 24 November for a thorough discussion of the opportunities offered by a neutrino beam pointing from CERN to Gran Sasso. There is a call for ideas for experiments that could exploit this beam to elucidate neutrino masses and mixings. Documents of up to 10 pages describing these experiments, along with a cost estimate, should be submitted to both Committees before 10 October.
To make the meeting more effective, the documents describing appearance and/or disappearance experiments with or without a near station should contain, in the usual Dm2 versus sin22q plot:
i) the exclusion curve if no signal is observed;
ii) the limit curve within which a discovery of neutrino oscillations can be made at the 4 sigma level.
These curves should be based on the reference beams with a shared mode of operation (3×1019 proton/year on target) and for three years of running.
Documents on the high-energy and low-energy beams, prepared by the CERN/INFN Working Group should soon be available.