Millennium ‘delayed’ by space mission to Saturn Hold the champagne! Millennium celebrations throughout the world will be delayed. The culprit is the Cassini-Huygens space mission, which fl...
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Millennium ‘delayed’ by space mission to Saturn Hold the champagne! Millennium celebrations throughout the world will be delayed. The culprit is the Cassini-Huygens space mission, which fl...
This is the first step towards the verification of the neutrino oscillation results given by the Super-Kamiokande last year.
Deep in a former Minnesota iron mine, scientists and government officials recently wielded pickaxes to chip away, at least symbolically, at the mysteries surrounding the subatomic particles known as n...
The major international focus of high-energy physics in odd-numbered years is the International Symposium on LeptonPhoton Interactions at High Energies, which took place this year on 9-14 August at ...
During August, work continued to establish circulating beams of nuclei in the two rings of Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
On 1 June, after five years of planning and five years of construction, the BELLE detector recorded its first B meson events at the KEKB electronpositron B-factory in Tsukuba, Japan. During this fir...
With a first result announced from a major experiment at CERN, 1999 looks like being a vintage year for the measurement of CP violation the effect that enables nature to differentiate between matte...
On 15 July in Newport News, Virginia, Jefferson Lab's free-electron laser produced infrared light at a wavelength of 3.1µm and 1.72 kW average power, thereby exceeding the kilowatt design goal.
On 2 August, a decade after the initial commissioning at 45 GeV per beam, CERN's LEP storage ring has collided 100 GeV beams of electrons and positrons, giving a total energy of 200 GeV.
On 16 July, a beam of gold nuclei circulated one of the two rings of Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider for the first time.