SLAC B-Factory makes progress
After achieving its first electronpositron collisions this summer, the PEP-II B-Factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center was formally dedicated on 23 October.
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After achieving its first electronpositron collisions this summer, the PEP-II B-Factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center was formally dedicated on 23 October.
A recent celebration in the assembly area at Brookhaven's RHIC Magnet Facility marked the completion of magnet production for the laboratory's RHIC Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
On 10 August, the Greek government formally approved the establishment of a national NESTOR Institute for Deep Sea Research, Technology and Neutrino Astroparticle Physics.
Cherenkov radiation is one of the main techniques for particle identification, but details of the underlying theory are still under debate.
CERN's Information and Programming Technology group has exploited the World Wide Web to make it easier to keep track of masses of computer code.
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The LHCb experiment has been formally approved for CERN's LHC collider.
On 24 September, US Energy Secretary Bill Richardson put the finishing touches to the installation of the 366th and final 20-ton dipole magnet to steer the beams in Fermilab's new 150 GeV, 2.25 mile...
A recent paper by Glennys Farrar of Rutgers and Peter Biermann of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn suggests interesting possibilities for the orbits of cosmic particles.