Beijing tests complete precision measurement
The BES II spectrometer at the Beijing electronpositron collider (BEPC) has completed a measurement of hadron production rates over the 25 GeV energy range which is valuable input for Standard Mod...
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The BES II spectrometer at the Beijing electronpositron collider (BEPC) has completed a measurement of hadron production rates over the 25 GeV energy range which is valuable input for Standard Mod...
Through the Scandinavian CoDisCo project, CERN is helping to define management practice for large-scale distributed projects.
A regular feature of the nuclear physics scene is the Particles and Nuclei International Conference, which was held in Uppsala, Sweden on 10-16 June.
The HERA collider at DESY, Hamburg, has been operating with proton and electron (or positron) beams since it was commissioned in 1991.
The Laboratory of Particle Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
Almost a century after Einstein introduced the idea of a quantum of light, the photon continues to be a rich field of physics.
Arriving at CERN from Novosibirsk's Budker Institute are magnets for the two transfer lines to feed the LHC collider with protons from the SPS proton synchrotron.
An X-ray equivalent of the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray observatory, was launched on 23 July. Astronomers look forward to a new view of the violent universe with the highest-quality image...
Gemini to see furthest stars Cosmology gains a twin as the first of two new international telescopes starts observations. The Gemini pair will explore the skies in both the northern and southern hemis...
The world's newest particle accelerator Fermilab's 150 GeV main injector officially began its career on 1 June.