LEP hits 100
CERN's LEP electronpositron collider walked onto the stage for its 1999 season and, after its customary greeting at the Z resonance (45 GeV per beam), impressed the waiting audience by quickly takin...
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CERN's LEP electronpositron collider walked onto the stage for its 1999 season and, after its customary greeting at the Z resonance (45 GeV per beam), impressed the waiting audience by quickly takin...
From 2 to 12 June 1998, AMS was the primary payload of NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery in orbit 400 km above the Earth.
For CERN's new LHC proton collider, superconducting magnets will not be the only super- conducting technology in the 27 km ring.
On the morning of 26 May 1999, physicists recorded the first events in the large BaBar detector at the asymmetric B-factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
CERN's LEP electronpositron collider has underlined the importance of precision measurements in particle physics.
“The decisions taken here in Brussels will set the direction for the agency for the next five years and beyond,” said European Space Agency (ESA) director Antonio Rodota, following a meeti...
Planck and FIRST given go-ahead The planning of two major astrophysics missions has been approved by ESA’s scientific policy committee. The satellites Planck and FIRST will be launched together ...
A spaceborne particle physics experiment has come up with new information on the distribution of cosmic-ray particles.
Underlining the worldwide involvement in the programme at CERN's LHC collider, a milestone agreement brings funding from Chinese bodies for the LHC CMS experiment.
The DAFNE electronpositron collider at Frascati and its KLOE detector are flexing their muscles.