An even greater step for LEP
On 24 September 1999 the French authorities gave their formal permission for CERN's LEP electronpositron collider to run at beam energies of up to 105 GeV.
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On 24 September 1999 the French authorities gave their formal permission for CERN's LEP electronpositron collider to run at beam energies of up to 105 GeV.
The world's largest superconducting solenoid magnet for the CMS experiment at CERN's LHC collider recently took an important step towards completion when the first ring of its barrel yoke was ass...
In the beginning there were quarks and gluons the "quarkgluon plasma". Density and temperature decreased as the universe expanded and cooled.
These exotica nuclei are produced by bombarding a suitable nuclear target with a high-energy beam of specially prepared nuclei and studying the resulting decay chains in a suitable detector.
To mark the major international Telecom '99 exhibition in Geneva, CERN staged a demonstration of the world's fastest computer networking standard, the Gigabyte System Network.
This month the first elements of the Very Small Array will be installed on Mount Teide in Tenerife. This is one of a number of new projects studying the cosmic microwave background.
New study of distant quasars Subaru, Japan’s new 8.3 m telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii (CERN Courier March), is being used for a new study of gravitationally lensed quasars. A luminosity of mor...
During the recent PANIC99 particle/nuclear physics conference, CELSIUS/WASA, a new detector facility for the CELSIUS cooler storage ring, was inaugurated.
The new isotope separator and accelerator facility at the Canadian TRIUMF laboratory passed a milestone on 28 July when the proton current on target was raised to 10 µA, making it the highest intensi...
A simulation of the evolution of the universe suggests that it is expanding at an accelerating rate. This is more evidence for the existence of Einstein’s cosmological constant a kind of ...